Saturday, August 12, 2017


Oh, this was stressful, but not for the reasons you might think.  I wasn't stressed about the tool I was using(at least not too much), I was stressed about recording myself.  This leads me to believe that it may be awhile before I would take on the flipped classroom.  Every time I started to record my voice an annoying little guy named Toby would start to bark or my mind would go blank and I would forget what I was saying.  I didn't put in as much pre-work as I did with the other videos and I am sure that had a lot to do with my issues.

Snagit was simple to use in capturing screenshots. I only did the free trial and I am trying to decide if it is worth paying the fee to keep using it.  It was pretty simple and I don't feel that I even tapped into a fraction of what I can do with this.  I have a feeling I don't really know what I was doing.  I saw that you could take screenshots and add arrows but I thought you would be able to take all of those images and videos to make one big presentation.  I was not able to figure out how to combine all of my files.

With this image, I thought it would be helpful to have an arrow pointing to Encyclopedia Britannica so that the students wouldn't be confused and click on Britannica Image Quest.

I was a little frustrated because I had made a good number of images and little videos that I assumed I could combine to make a movie.  I wonder if I should have just used these files with iMovie?  Is that what you are supposed to do?  I really thought it would end up similar to iMovie, I am not sure why I was expecting this.  I think next time I would do just that, take all the images and videos I want to and drop them into iMovie.  I think I would have better results.

It's a bit comical that I spent a good amount of time becoming annoyed with my work only to come up with a much better plan as I reflect upon what I did- reflection is important kids!  Well, add this to the list of tech tools I need to spend more time with.  I wish I had taken this course either in the Spring or at the start of the summer so that I could have had a few weeks to look over all of these tools.  I hope I have time during the school year to continue learning about all of these new tools.

In the end, I was pleased with my video.  I would not use this in the classroom but it was a good start.  I would write out a better script and make sure to touch base on more of the tools available with in Britannica next time.

I showed the video to my mom and she was amazed that I didn't say "um" more often.   Thanks mom!

1 comment:

  1. Yes you could use SnagIt is capture and annotate (arrows, etc.) and then put that into iMovie. I often would do that because I felt I had more control over my voiceovers that way (in regards to ummms, noises, etc.)
